Sunday, April 5, 2020

Spelling correct

1. Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.
  • A. Damage
  • B. Dammege
  • C. Damaige
  • D. Dammage

        2. Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.
  • A. Itinaray
  • B. Itinarery
  • C. Itinarery
  • D. Itinerary

      3. Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.
  • A. Commander
  • B. Comander
  • C. Comander
  • D. Comandar

     Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.
  • A. Pasanger
  • B. Passenger
  • C. Pessenger
  • D. Pasanger

     Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.
  • A. Busisness
  • B. Business
  • C. Buisiness
  • D. Bussiness

Idioms & Phrases

Sentence Improvement

Spotting Errors

The following rules should be kept in mind while attempting these questions:

1. Parts of Speech: Notice that the different parts of speech: adjective, adverb, nouns, pronouns, conjunctions, interjections and verbs are correctly used.
For example: He plays real good. (incorrect)
He plays really well. (Correct)
2. Subject-Verb Agreement: The subject should agree with the verb. For a singular subject we use a singular verb and for a plural subject we use a plural verb.
For example: A number of colorful glass vases was displayed in the store window. (Incorrect)
A number of colorful glass vases were displayed in the store window. (Correct)
3. Parallelism: The different words in the sentence, performing the same function should be in the same format.
For example: All business students should learn word processing, accounting, and how to program computers. (Incorrect)
All business students should learn word processing, accounting, and computer programming. (Correct)
4. Modifiers: A modifier is any word or phrase which modifies the subject. The modifier has to be placed next to the subject it modifies. For example: Covered in mud, Mark helped the puppy. (Incorrect)
Covered in mud, the puppy was helped by Mark. (Correct)
5. Diction: Use of the correct words in the correct place.
For example: See you latter. (Incorrect)
See you later. (Correct)
6. Redundancy: Avoid needless repetition of the same idea.
For example: We will return back on Monday. (Incorrect)
We will return on Monday. (Correct)
Let's have a look at a few examples:

Example 1:

The President of Costa Rica, along with two vice-presidents, are elected for a four-year term by the people.
  1. are elected for a four-year term by the people.
  2. are elected, by the people, for a four-year term.
  3. is elected for a four-year term by the people.
  4. are elected for four-year terms by the people.
  5. is elected for four-year terms by the people.
Here, the answer is option c as it uses the correct subject-verb agreement rule: singular verb 'is' is used with the singular subject 'The President'.

Example 2:

Previously thought to have been extinct, a team of biologists rediscovered the New Caledonia crested gecko in 1994.
  1. a team of biologists rediscovered the New Caledonia crested gecko in 1994.
  2. a team of biologists, in 1994, rediscovered the New Caledonia crested gecko.
  3. in 1994 the New Caledonia crested gecko was rediscovered by a team of biologists.
  4. and discovered by a team of biologists in 1994 was the New Caledonia crested gecko.
  5. the New Caledonia crested gecko was rediscovered by a team of biologists in 1994.
The correct answer is option e as the modifier 'extinct' is used for the 'New Caledonia crested gecko' and not the' team of biologists'.

Error Spotting: Key Learning:

  • Error Spotting is a common area in every entrance test. So, the above given article will surely help you in attempting such questions and getting a good score in verbal ability section.
  • As the saying goes, "Practice makes a man perfect", so is the case with this section.

Sentence Completion

Strategies for Sentence Completion:
1. Read the Sentence
Use the sentence clues by reading the sentence thoroughly. Two things make a question difficult: difficult words and sentence structure. If you cannot dissect a sentence to figure out what fits best, you CANNOT crack the question though you know the word meanings. We need to properly take apart the sentences and improve our vocabulary.
2. Hints
The hints indicate what should go into the blank for the sentence to make sense. Here’s a test to locate the right hint: if you change the hint, the choice in the blank MUST be changed. Often, you can use the hint by putting that word or phrase into the blank itself.
3. Pluses and Minuses
Once you find the word clues, indicate the kind of word you’re looking for with a + (positive meaning) or – (negative) sign.  Also, to indicate synonyms or antonyms, you can use these symbols.
4. Structure Words
Look for words like but, rather, although, however, and, while, but, therefore
They reveal the sentence organization and the hint-blank relationship. They tell you what kinds of words to look for as they change the thought process in the sentence.
5. Visualize
Before you go to the choices, think of the possible words for the blanks.  It will save you from wrong choices.  If you know roughly the KIND of words needed, the elimination is much easier. The word you visualize doesn’t have to be fancy – a general idea is fine.
This is better than trying out the choices to find out “what sounds good.” It is faster and less prone to errors.
A. Neem has _______qualities and in many clinical trials, doctor have saved countless lives by using raw Neem leaves on serious wounds.
  1. remedial
  2. flavouring
  3. inferior
  4. doubtful
  5. notorious
We need a positive word with a “life saving”-like meaning.  Choices C, D, and E are negative and are ruled out.  You may be unaware of remedial but you know that “flavouring” doesn’t mean anything like life saving. Thereforethe answer is remedial.
B. The much-hated bill sparked off a wave of public ________which could not_________by the concessions the British announced.
  1. enthusiasm…dampened
  2. clamour…misled
  3. curiosity…complemented
  4. adoration…channelized
  5. discontent…abated
Much-hated indicates a negative choice for the first blank indicating anger or protest here.  The second one needs harder thinking; even the British concessions did not “lessen” the public anger.  Once you are clear about the word SHADES needed, find the words similar to the ones you had visualized.
6. Elimination
Ruling out the wrong choices should be easy now. But remember, BOTH the words have to fit in the given ORDER for the right answer. If one word is a perfect choice but the other one doesn’t make sense, the answer is WRONG.  DO NOT rule out choices if you don’t know their meanings and unless you are sure they do not work. If you have doubts, leave and return after checking the other choices.
7. Improve Your Vocabulary
Improving your vocabulary and usage can help you do better as the words meaning help you find the right answer. 
8. Working Backwards
The two-blank questions can be easier as you have more opportunities to eliminate wrong choices. If you can eliminate a choice based on one word, you don’t need to know the other word. Often, working BACKWARDS i.e. picking the second blank choice first works better.
Keep the above points in mind while tackling sentence completion questions.