Sunday, April 5, 2020

Spotting Errors

The following rules should be kept in mind while attempting these questions:

1. Parts of Speech: Notice that the different parts of speech: adjective, adverb, nouns, pronouns, conjunctions, interjections and verbs are correctly used.
For example: He plays real good. (incorrect)
He plays really well. (Correct)
2. Subject-Verb Agreement: The subject should agree with the verb. For a singular subject we use a singular verb and for a plural subject we use a plural verb.
For example: A number of colorful glass vases was displayed in the store window. (Incorrect)
A number of colorful glass vases were displayed in the store window. (Correct)
3. Parallelism: The different words in the sentence, performing the same function should be in the same format.
For example: All business students should learn word processing, accounting, and how to program computers. (Incorrect)
All business students should learn word processing, accounting, and computer programming. (Correct)
4. Modifiers: A modifier is any word or phrase which modifies the subject. The modifier has to be placed next to the subject it modifies. For example: Covered in mud, Mark helped the puppy. (Incorrect)
Covered in mud, the puppy was helped by Mark. (Correct)
5. Diction: Use of the correct words in the correct place.
For example: See you latter. (Incorrect)
See you later. (Correct)
6. Redundancy: Avoid needless repetition of the same idea.
For example: We will return back on Monday. (Incorrect)
We will return on Monday. (Correct)
Let's have a look at a few examples:

Example 1:

The President of Costa Rica, along with two vice-presidents, are elected for a four-year term by the people.
  1. are elected for a four-year term by the people.
  2. are elected, by the people, for a four-year term.
  3. is elected for a four-year term by the people.
  4. are elected for four-year terms by the people.
  5. is elected for four-year terms by the people.
Here, the answer is option c as it uses the correct subject-verb agreement rule: singular verb 'is' is used with the singular subject 'The President'.

Example 2:

Previously thought to have been extinct, a team of biologists rediscovered the New Caledonia crested gecko in 1994.
  1. a team of biologists rediscovered the New Caledonia crested gecko in 1994.
  2. a team of biologists, in 1994, rediscovered the New Caledonia crested gecko.
  3. in 1994 the New Caledonia crested gecko was rediscovered by a team of biologists.
  4. and discovered by a team of biologists in 1994 was the New Caledonia crested gecko.
  5. the New Caledonia crested gecko was rediscovered by a team of biologists in 1994.
The correct answer is option e as the modifier 'extinct' is used for the 'New Caledonia crested gecko' and not the' team of biologists'.

Error Spotting: Key Learning:

  • Error Spotting is a common area in every entrance test. So, the above given article will surely help you in attempting such questions and getting a good score in verbal ability section.
  • As the saying goes, "Practice makes a man perfect", so is the case with this section.

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