Saturday, April 4, 2020


Homonyms examples:

Homonyms Examples

List of Homonyms with Examples

Learn list of homonyms in English with example sentences.
Address – Address
  • I can give you the address of a good attorney.
  • That letter was addressed to me.
Band – Band
  • The band was playing old Beatles songs.
  • She always ties her hair back in a band.
  • Many insects are banded black and yellow.
Bat – Bat
  • I am afraid of bats.
  • It’s his first time at bat in the major leagues.
Match – Match
  • If you suspect a gas leak do not strike a match or use electricity.
  • Her fingerprints match those found at the scene of the crime.
Mean – Mean
  • What does this sentence mean?
  • He needed to find a mean between frankness and rudeness.
Right – Right
  • I’m sure I’m right.
  • Take a right turn at the intersection.
Ring – Ring
  • What a beautiful ring!
  • The children sat on the floor in a ring.
Rock – Rock
  • Komuro formed a rock band with some friends while in college.
  • To build the tunnel, they had to cut through 500 feet of solid rock.
Rose – Rose
  • She has a rose garden.
  • Sales rose by 20% over the Christmas period.
Spring – Spring
  • I’m sorry to spring it on you, but I’ve been offered another job.
  • He was born in the spring of 1944.
Stalk – Stalk
  • He ate the apple, stalk and all.
  • Snatching up my bag, I stalk out of the room.
Well – Well
  • The conference was very well organized.
  • The dog fell down a well.
Clip – Clip
  • They are clips from the new James Bond film.
  • The wire is held on with a metal clip.
Date – Date
  • The date on the letter was 30th August 1962.
  • She and Ron go to the park to date.
Drop – Drop
  • The apples are beginning to drop from the trees.
  • A single drop of blood splashed onto the floor.
Fly – Fly
  • A fly was buzzing against the window.
  • Let’s fly a kite.
Letter – Letter
  • There’s a letter for you.
  • “B” is the second letter of the alphabet.
Palm – Palm
  • He held the bird gently in the palm of his hand.
  • The coconut palm is a native of Malaysia.
Park – Park
  • We went for a walk in the park.
  • The tennis court is sometimes used as a car park.
Point – Point
  • He’s just saying that to prove a point.
  • Everything seemed to point in one direction.
Ruler – Ruler
  • I have a 12 inch ruler.
  • King Priam was a firm, but just ruler.
Saw – Saw
  • Saw is a tool that has a long blade with sharp points along one of its edges.
  • Last night, I saw a lovely girl.
Scale – Scale
  • They entertain on a large scale.
  • He somehow managed to scale the sheer outside wall of the tower.
Ship – Ship
  • There are two restaurants on board ship.
  • A new engine was shipped over from the US.
Sink – Sink
  • The ships sink to the bottom of the sea.
  • I felt chained to the kitchen sink.
Tie – Tie
  • He had to tie her hands together.
  • I wear a shirt and tie at work.
Trip – Trip
  • We went on a trip to the mountains.
  • Someone will trip over that cable.
Wave – Wave
  • Huge waves were breaking on the shore.
  • The people on the bus waved and we waved back.
Cool – Cool
  • She swam out into the cool water.
  • When tempers had cooled, he apologized.
Duck – Duck
  • Every afternoon they went to the park to feed the duck.
  • He had to duck as he came through the door.
Fall – Fall
  • September had come and the leaves were starting to fall.
  • The area is beautiful in the fall.
File – File
  • Every file on the same disk must have a different name.
  • We began to file out into the car park.
Foot – Foot
  • My foot hurts.
  • Once again it will be the taxpayer who has to foot the bill.
Left – Left
  • Look left and right before you cross the road.
  • The plane left for Dallas last night.
Nail – Nail
  • The key was hanging on a nail by the door.
  • I’ve broken my nail.
Watch – Watch
  • I like watching TV every night. 
  • I glanced at my watch.
Can – Can
  • Gabriella can speak French fluently.
  • We drank a can of Coke each.

Homonyms Examples (Homophones)

Homonyms can refer to homophones (words that are pronounced the same as other words but differ in meaning and are spelled differently).
Fort – Fought
  • Just the three of you going to be holding the fort tonight.
  • He fought many battles with the early Labor party in Lancaster and discrimination against socialist employees was alleged.
Foul – Fowl
  • He woke up with a foul taste in his mouth.
  • Fish, fowl and meat, most with a decidedly Southwestern treatment, are represented on the menu.
Groan – Grown
  • Richard’s jokes make you groan rather than laugh.
  • He had been a grown man with a small but independent income when he had taken Minnie instead of her to wife.
Holy – Wholly
  • The priest puts some holy water on the child’s head.
  • The report claimed that the disaster was wholly unavoidable.
Hour – Our
  • The interview lasted half an hour.
  • We showed them some of our photos.
I – Eye
  • I moved to this city six years ago.
  • Ow! I’ve got something in my eye!
Know – No
  • I know people’s handwriting changes as they get older.
    “It was Tony.”
  • “‘No, you’re wrong. It was Ted.”
Links – Lynx
  • A love of nature links the two poets.
  • They may be eagle-eyed or watch like a lynx.
Mail – Male
  • He found a mountain of mail waiting for him.
  • Many women earn less than their male colleagues.
Meet – Meat
  • Maybe we’ll meet again some time.
  • I gave up eating meat a few months ago.
Peace – Piece
  • I wish she would just leave me in peace.
  • He broke off a piece of bread and gave it her.
Right – Write
  • Keep on the right side of the road.
  • She had to write a report on the project.
Scene – Seen
  • The police soon arrived at the scene of the crime.
  • He crouched down so he couldn’t be seen.
Than – Then
  • Natalie was prettier than her sister.
  • I wish I had known then what I know now.
Weak – Week
  • She is still weak after her illness.
  • He comes to see us once a week.

Homonyms List

Homonyms can refer to both homographs and homophones.

Homophones List | Homonyms List

List of homonyms in English.
  • Ad – Add
  • Ail – Ale
  • Air – Heir
  • All – Awl
  • Allowed – Aloud
  • Alms – Arms
Homonyms List Image
Homonyms List Image
  • Altar – Alter
  • Ant – Aunt
  • Arc – Ark
  • Ate – Eight
  • Auger – Augur
  • Aural – Oral
  • Baize – Bays
  • Bald – Bawled
  • Ball – Bawl
  • Band – Banned
  • Bard – Barred
  • Bare – Bear
  • Baron – Barren
  • Be – Bee
  • Beach – Beech
  • Bean – Been
  • Beer – Bier
  • Berry – Bury
  • Berth – Birth
  • Billed – Build
  • Blue – Blew
  • Bored – Board
  • Braid – Brayed
  • Break – Brake
  • Brews – Bruise
  • Bridal – Bridle
  • Broach – Brooch
  • Buy – By/ Bye
  • Capital – Capitol
  • Cellar – Seller
  • Census – Sense
  • Cereal – Serial
  • Chili – Chilly
  • Choral – Coral
  • Cite – Sight / Site
  • Coarse – Course
  • Complement – Compliment
  • Coun – Counsel
  • Deer – Dear
  • Die – Dye
  • Discreet – Discrete
  • Doe – Dough
  • Done – Dun
  • Draft – Draught
  • Dual – Duel
  • Earn – Urn
  • Ewe – You
  • Farther – Father
  • Faze – Phase
  • File – Phial
  • Find – Fined
  • Fir – Fur
  • Flaw – Floor
  • Flea – Flee
  • Flew – Flu/ Flue
  • Flex – Flecks
  • Flour – Flower
  • For – Four
  • Foreword – Forward
  • Fort – Fought
  • Foul – Fowl
  • Gait – Gate
  • Gamble – Gambol
  • Genes – Jeans
  • Gored – Gourd
  • Great – Grate
  • Groan – Grown
  • Hart – Heart
  • Hear – Here
  • Heel – Heal
  • Hi – High
  • Him – Hymn
  • Hoard – Horde
  • Hole – Whole
  • Holy – Wholly
  • Hour – Our
  • I – Eye
  • Idle – Idol
  • Incite – Insight
  • Knead – Need
  • Knew – New
  • Knight – Night
  • Knot – Not
  • Know – No
  • Leak – Leek
  • Lessen – Lesson
  • Levee – Levy
  • Links – Lynx
  • Loan – Lone
  • Loot – Lute
  • Made – Maid
  • Mail – Male
  • Main – Mane
  • Manna – Manner
  • Marshal – Martial
  • Mask – Masque
  • Maw – More
  • Medal – Meddle
  • Meet – Meat
  • Might – Mite
  • Mist – Missed
  • Moose – Mousse
  • Muscle – Mussel
  • None – Nun
  • Oar – Or
  • Overdo – Overdue
  • Pail – Pale
  • Pain – Pane
  • Pair – Pear
  • Passed – Past
  • Peace – Piece
  • Peak – Peek
  • Pedal – Peddle
  • Plane – Plain
  • Principal – Principle
  • Profit – Prophet
  • Rain – Reign
  • Red – Read
  • Right – Write
  • Ring – Wring
  • Rode – Road
  • Role – Roll
  • Rouse – Rows
  • Rung – Wrung
  • Sail – Sale
  • Sauce – Seen
  • Scull – Skull
  • See – Sea
  • Shoe – Shoo
  • Side – Sighed
  • Slay – Sleigh
  • Soar – Sore
  • Sole – Soul
  • Some – Sum
  • Sort  – Sought
  • Staid – Stayed
  • Stalk – Stork
  • Stare – Stair
  • Stationary – Stationery
  • Steal – Steel
  • Stile – Style
  • Sun – Son
  • Tail – Tale
  • Team – Teem
  • Than – Then
  • Their – There
  • Throne – Thrown
  • Tide – Tied
  • To – Too / Two
  • Toe – Tow
  • Vain – Vein
  • Vary – Very
  • Wail – Whale
  • Waste – Waist
  • Way – Weigh
  • Weak – Week
  • Weather  – Whether
  • Where – Wear
  • Which – Witch
  • Who’s – Whose
  • Won – One
  • Would – Wood
  • You’r – Your

Homographs List | Homonyms List

List of homonyms in English.
  • Address – Address
  • Band – Band
  • Bat – Bat
  • Match – Match
  • Mean – Mean
  • Right – Right
  • Ring – Ring
  • Rock – Rock
  • Rose – Rose
  • Spring – Spring
  • Stalk – Stalk
  • Well – Well
  • Clip – Clip
  • Date – Date.
  • Drop – Drop
  • Fly – Fly
  • Letter – Letter
  • Palm – Palm
  • Park – Park
  • Point – Point
  • Ruler – Ruler
  • Saw – Saw
  • Scale – Scale
  • Ship – Ship
  • Sink – Sink
  • Tie – Tie
  • Trip – Trip
  • Wave – Wave
  • Cool – Cool
  • Duck – Duck
  • Fall – Fall
  • File – File
  • Foot – Foot
  • Left – Left
  • Nail – Nail
  • Watch – Watch
  • Can – Can

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